Nr.2 | 2023 | Vedeti revista aici


Jana Maftei

Reflecții asupra Convenției de la Viena din 1963 cu privire la relațiile consulare la a 60-a sa aniversare

The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, adopted in 1963, is one of the most important multilateral treaties that were negotiated and adopted by the United Nations, in the early years of its existence, and its action for the progressive development and codification of international law having codified hundreds of years of experience and practice of states in the consular field. From this perspective, we aimed to analyse issues related to the process of the setting up the consular institution until the adoption of this Convention, the importance of the provisions of the Conventions and its role in the field of current consular relations, as well as the extent to which the right to consular protection and assistance can be considered a fundamental right. For the drafting of the paper, we used as research methods the analysis of the problems generated by the mentioned subject, with reference to the doctrinal points of view expressed in treatises and specialised literature, documentary research, interpretation of legal norms on the subject.

Keywords: consular assistance, consular protection, human rights, law on consular relations

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Ioan Voicu

Reflections about Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace

Acest articol se concentrează asupra actualității conceptului de dialog ca factor esențial pentru menținerea păcii, în lumina unei rezoluții propuse de 68 de state în cadrul Adunării Generale a ONU și adoptate prin consens la 6 decembrie 2022.Textul articolului analizează în detaliu conținutul bogat al rezoluției, acordând o atenție deosebită elementelor specifice referitoare la modul de implementare a acesteia de către statele membre ale organizației mondiale. Totodată, se subliniază relevanța Declarației ONU din 2016 privind dreptul la pace și rolul crucial al tinerei generații în aplicarea prevederilor acesteia într-o lume caracterizată prin vulnerabilități, perplexități și discontinuități globale. Sunt evidențiate puținele evenimente care au marcat în 2023 Anul Internațional al Dialogului ca Garanție a Păcii, menționându-se, totodată, că această inițiativă diplomatică nu s-a bucurat de interesul cuvenit în baza ansamblului conceptelor generoase care au inspirat-o. Articolul sugerează câteva idei pentru viitor, a căror materializare intră în competența UNESCO. Această instituție specializată a ONU are un rol semnificativ în promovarea educației pentru pace, atât în conformitate cu mandatul înscris în Constituția sa , cât și în lumina recomandărilor adoptate la cea de-a 42-a sesiune a Conferinței Generale din noiembrie 2023.

Keywords: dialog, garanție, pace, ONU, UNESCO, rezoluție, recomandare, relații prietenești, drepturile omului

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Carmen Costea-Bărluțiu, Andrea Hathazi, Minodora- Maria Rusan

Aspecte privind respectarea drepturilor fundamentale în contextul pandemiei de COVID-19, în cazul familiilor copiilor cu dizabilități

The Covid-19 pandemic represented a major stress factor for humankind and brought multiple changes on various layers of the society. Along many other challenges, the pandemic period raised the issue of human rights, in general. For the families of children with disabilities, the changes brought by the pandemic and the restrictions imposed in order to prevent the spreading of the virus and the lowering of the number of infections represented a major stressor and a potential factor that negatively impacted the respect for human rights. The current study has as a goal the investigation of perceptions of a sample of parents, regarding the impact of the pandemic and the support measures taken during this period. The results of the study partly reflect the reality of these families, where various effects were acknowledged, from minor effects, managed with the resources that the families had, to more significant ones, the negatively marked the family system. Thus, the pandemic tested the resources of society to cope with vulnerability and raised the attention on the needs of children with disabilities and their families, during crisis situations.

Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, fundamental rights, children with disabilities, support

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Horia Mihai

Violența domestică, o încălcare prea puțin vizibilă a drepturilor omului

The aim of this article is to analyse the phenomenon of domestic violence from a human rights perspective. Throughout the article I will present the evolution of perceptions regarding gender equality indicators, the legislative framework and the situation of cases brought to court. I also consider it essential to introduce a brief analysis of the social assistance system in Romania. It is very important that the risk factors and established triggers of domestic violence are brought into question, in order to better understand the dynamics and perceptions that contribute to such manifestations. My personal interest in the topic of domestic violence arose from my collaboration with the National Agency for Equal Opportunities, with whom I am participating in the VERA project, carried out by the Catalactica Association. The Vera project is a national study on domestic violence. Participating in this project gave me a broader perspective on the studied phenomenon, and some of the information I consider fundamental in the analysis of domestic violence is included in this article, such as statistical data, social context and literature. Domestic violence, like any other form of violence, is a violation of human rights. This phenomenon must be treated as a public social problem, the causes and effects of which go beyond the sphere of private life.

Keywords: women’s rights, triggers of violence, prevention, status restriction, gender equality, domestic violence

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Adina-Maria Nikolić

Raport de progres global privind indicatorii obiectivului 16 pentru dezvoltare durabilă: un apel la acțiune pentru pace, justiție și incluziune (UNODC, OHCHR, UNDP, 2023)

The global progress report was produced by the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. It is the first report providing a comprehensive analysis of the progress made in achieving the targets outlined in Goal 16, for which there is sufficient data. Based on the available information, the report authors urge decision-makers to recognize that the current pace of change is insufficient to address some of the most significant challenges people are facing today. The inclusion of Goal 16 in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development acknowledged that peace, justice, inclusion, and development are closely interconnected, and all of them are equally necessary to create the fundamental conditions for implementing and achieving the other goals.

Keywords: 2030 Agenda, progress, sustainable development, action, peace, justice, inclusion

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Daniela Albu

Raport „Progresul în realizarea obiectivelor dezvoltării durabile – situația egalității de gen 2023” (UN Women, UN DESA, 2023)

In the year 2000, with the beginning of a new millennium, world leaders pledged to fight poverty, hunger, gender inequality and environmental degradation, improve access to education, health services and safe drinking water. The Millennium Declaration outlined 8 development goals. But because, in 2025, these objectives were only partially met at the deadline, and poverty had not been eradicated, on the occasion of the Development Summit, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted – a global action program that promotes balance between the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental. The agenda includes 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) through which the world’s states commit to eradicating extreme poverty, combating inequalities and protecting the planet, by 2030. This Report is an annual UN publication that takes a thorough X-ray of the state of gender equality globally as reflected in the analysis of the state of progress in achieving each of the 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda. Each of the other 16 objectives is closely related to objective 5 – gender equality, being able to positively or negatively influence its achievement. Emphasising the connection and interdependence between the SDGs, the authors of the Report demonstrate through the collected data how, according to the domino principle, the failure of one of the objectives can endanger the fulfilment of all the others. Without gender equality there can be neither progress nor prosperity. The Report analyses the objectives of sustainable development from the perspective of the progress made regarding gender equality. But this exercise can be replicated for each individual goal, to see how obstacles in the achievement of one goal can also affect the progress of the others. In order for the 2030 Agenda not to fail, to at least partially achieve the transformation of our world, it becomes urgent to develop laws and policies that advance both gender equality and each of the objectives of sustainable development. As the Report concludes, gender equality currently remains an increasingly difficult goal to achieve globally.

Keywords: Agenda 2030, gender equality, sustainable development, SDGs, indicators, progress in SDGs, challenges in attaining SDG 5

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