Cristina Lucia Șuțiu
Promovarea valorilor creștine și educația religioasă în Europa seculară
For a long time, the Church played a major role in the educational process. The European schools and universities were, until the eighteenth century, under the clergy’s tutelage. Along with the Enlightenment age and especially after the French Revolution, the Church’s role in society started to diminish and education became a state responsibility. Under the influence of Illuminist thinkers raised the question of religious education. In its turn, this type of education was removed, in some countries, from the curriculum. In this paper we aim to show that religious education is still needed in the European space. In the actual context, in a multicultural Europe, religious education can provide citizens an objective perspective on the values of each religious traditions.
Keywords: enlightenment, values, religion, education, multiculturalism