Mihai-Bogdan Marian
Contractul social și problematica drepturilor omului – provocările postmodernității
Contractual theories and the regulation of human rights issues emanating from the Enlightenment century is an unprecedented evolutionary leap in the history of human societies which managed to bring substantial improvements in the lives of common individuals everywhere. However, social realities are not static, they evolve and transform, requiring a permanent redefinition and reinvention of the regulatory framework by which these regulations are applied. From this perspective, postmodernism comes to counterbalance a series of exceptions from the classical contractual theories, with profound implications on the matter of human rights, which by their number and their persistence over time, become genuine indicators revealing that humanity has reached the moment when the renegotiation of a new social contract becomes mandatory worldwide.
Keywords: social contract, human rights, sovereignty, national state, postmodernism