Nr.1 | 2013 | Vedeti revista aici


Irina Moroianu Zlătescu

Promovarea și protecția drepturilor fundamentale în Uniunea Europeană (I)

The binding document in the field of human rights adopted by the European Union is the Charter of Fundamental Rights. In support of the Union’s commitment to guarantee the rights laid down in the Charter, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) was created. The latter established the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP), which is a network meant to provide permanent cooperation with the civil society.

Keywords: European Union, the Charter, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, multi-annual framework programme, objectives, Fundamental Rights Platform

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Mircea Criste

Reperele democratice ale referendumului

Whereas democracy is the exercise of power by the people, the referendum is often presented as a last redoubt of pure democracy in a political world dominated by the representative system. But can it be thus qualified, regardless of the method of regulation? This study tries to emphasize the characteristics of the referendum, the real risk that it may become an instrument of manipulation of the masses, and in the end makes a presentation of the referendum in the Romanian constitutional system. Although the Romanian law promotes both the local and the national referendum, this latter is of particular importance, especially in what concerns the interpretation of the limits of the constitutional reform approved by referendum and the political responsibility of the President before the electorate.

Keywords: referendum, plebiscite, democracy, Romanian constitutional system

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Ion Popescu Slăniceanu, Isabele Stancea

Corupția, fenomen care afectează drepturile omului

Corruption is an antisocial phenomenon consisting in an illegal agreement between two parties, of which one proposes or promises privileges or illegitimate profits, while the other one, employed in the public service, consents or accepts them in exchange for taking or not taking certain functional actions that include elements of the crimes laid down in the Criminal Code. In Romania, corruption has become in recent years an increasing difficult-to-control phenomenon. It can be said that this scourge is the most serious problem faced by our country and that there is no field of activity free of corruption deeds, while in the sphere of public administration it has raised up to alarming levels. The fight against corruption, despite the results obtained so far, prove incapable to totally eliminate this phenomenon. This is so because, apart from the tacit complicity between the corrupter and the corrupted, the corruption phenomenon continues to be perceived as a mentality, a tradition, a behaviour.

Keywords: corruption, public administration, strategies, legislative measures

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Adrian Bulgaru

Reglementări privind statutul persoanelor care solicită protecție internațională în România

In the last years, the Romanian authorities took the necessary measures to harmonize the national legislative framework with the provisions of the European legislation. While also taking into account the negative aspects, the shortcomings of the way other European countries handled the migration and the asylum issues, in an effort to avoid such problems, these measures have been completely implemented at present.

Keywords: fundamental rights, asylum, international protection, legal framework

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Tudor Grigoraș

Controlul judiciar asupra administrației publice. Contenciosul administrativ

In their activity of implementing the legal norms, of solving various problems for the functioning of public services, administrative bodies may sometimes infringe upon the citizens' individual rights. Such infringements however can only be repaired with the assistance of other bodies whose purpose is to analyze and evaluate the documents issued by the administration to see whether the latter has exceeded the legal framework and order restoration of the rights and possibly compensations. It is for this purpose that the institution of administrative disputed matters functions as an instrument by means of which those interested may defend themselves against the administration's abuses. In our country, this special procedure is based both on the Constitution and the Administrative Disputed Matters Act No. 544/2004.

Keywords: public service, legal norms, implementation, administrative abuse, compensation, administrative disputed matters, evolution, types of disputed matters, admissibility conditions

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Claudiu Ignat

Medierea în raporturile juridice administrative

The mediator, as a neutral person, has the role to initiate negotiations between the parties and assist them to solve the conflict. Mediation is an effective way to solve conflicts between parties, the negotiator being thus able to assist a coordinated communication and reach a solution through direct negotiation, so that the parties might be able to achieve their goals through formulas that are adequate for the respective situation and finalize the negotiations successfully.
For a mediation to be successful, it is necessary that certain principles should be observed and certain legal and professional conditions be met, which the negotiator may not give up throughout the negotiations.

Keywords: mediations, mediator, confidentiality, neutrality, impartiality, principles, legal and professional conditions, compatibility

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Romanian Institute for Human Rights Annual Report - 2012

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Marius Mocanu

Hotărârea Curții Europene a Drepturilor Omului în cauza Parascineti împotriva României

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Mihaela Scarlat

Bioetica și protecția demnității umane

Carmen Năstase

Conceptul de cetățenie europeană și constituirea sa

Olivia Florescu

Ziua internațională a femeii

Daniela Albu

Ziua internațională privind eliminarea tuturor formelor de discriminare rasială – 21 martie

Marius Mocanu

Continuitate și discontinuitate în dreptul român

Olivia Florescu

The exrcise of the right to non-discrimination and equal opportunities in the contemporary society, Editura Pro Universitaria, București, 2012, 214 pagini

Adrian Bulgaru

Dimensiunea spirituală a drepturilor omului, Educația pentru toți, Editura Institutul Român pentru Drepturile Omului, București, 2013, 236 pagini

Gheorghe Pârvan

Irina Zlătescu, Constitutional law in Romania, Editura Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands, 2013, 152 pagini

Carmen Năstase

Știință și codificare în România, Editura Universul Juridic, București, 2013, 764 pagini

Mihaela Scarlat

Administrația și puterea politică. Tendințe și evoluții în spațiul public european, Editura, 2013, 511 pagini

Paul Gogioiu

Czech (&Central European) Yearbook of arbitration, vol.3, Jurisnet, LLC, Huntington 2013, 419 pagini

Czech Yearbook of international law, vol.4, Juris Publishing, Inc., Huntington 2013, 227 pagini

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In Memoriam Letizia Fiorillo dello Russo

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In Memoriam Alain Plantey

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