No.2 | 2018 | See the journal here


Viorela Togan

Psychological counselling for refugees

From a psychological point of view, the experience of refuge is characterized by trauma in all its stages: pre-migration, migration, establishment in the country of asylum and eventual integration into a new, less well-known society. The reason why the psychologist’s first approach in providing assistance to a refugee is to give a thorough account of all the traumatic events that marked his life, of the specificity of each person and the consequences on his mental health. The first stage of pre-migration triggering the migration process itself is generally the stage of direct confrontation with violent traumatic events: oppressive political conditions, detention, rape, torture, death of family members and / or relatives. The move to another country is sometimes just as traumatic, and the refugee can go through armed conflict zones where he can become victim, or may witness the same atrocities as in the country of origin. Refugees are often forced to walk on foot, being exposed to hunger, dehydration, hypothermia or other physical suffering. For some, the trauma continues even after they get safely, the trauma is not post, it is in progress. Leaving behind friends, families, homes, making a dangerous journey and then rebuilding their lives facing poverty, hostility or other stressors can be just as traumatic. The role of the psychological counselor is to help the refugee escape the feeling of inferiority and alienation, to realize the negative effects of permanence of a feeling which to a certain point is natural for anyone who is confronted with a new situation and, at the same time, to help him identify and to value those valuable aspects of personality that increase confidence and self-esteem.

Keywords: refugee, trauma, psychological counseling, integration into society

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Eugen Preda

Right to work and professional training in the case of persons enjoying a form of international protection: impediments and good practices

The study deals with the right to labour and access to qualification in the case of beneficiaries of international protection in Romania (BIPs – refugees and holders of subsidiary protection). At the same time, it reflects on the impediments that BIPs face in the process of access to labour market and good practices in Romania. Nevertheless, it intends to shine a light on recent developments related to integration policies in Romania, with the aim of better understanding how recent migration trends have shapeshifted the current legislation.

Keywords: integration, refugees, access to labour, durable solutions, mixed migration, labour policies, national integration programs

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Marius Mocanu

The human rights of older persons and long - term care – aspects regarding prohibition of torture, degrading or inhuman treatment

Although there is no international document of legal value that explicitly refers to the rights of the older persons, their rights are enshrined and referred to in other international and regional human rights conventions. The prohibition of torture or inhuman and degrading treatments not only imposes on public authorities the obligation not to subject the person to ill-treatment. But it also has implications for the measures that public authorities, including institutions involved in healthcare, must take to prevent and, if necessary, to investigate suspicious abuses or ill-treatment.

Keywords: older persons, human rights, right to health, medical services, care centers

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Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – General comment No. 6 (2018) on equality and non-discrimination

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European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights – Fundamental Rights Report 2018

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Decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Dimon v. Romania

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Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case of Coman and Others/ General Inspectorate for Immigration and Ministry of Internal Affairs

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Daniela Tontsch

Aspects on the right to health of disabled persons. The need to create a National Center for Neuromuscular Pathology

Ana Maria Bojian

European Day on Independent Living – Recognizing and promoting the rights of disabled persons

Olivia Florescu

International Humanitarian Law Day 2018

Olivia Florescu

International Day of Families 2018

Daniela Albu

”Protection and integration of refugees into the society”, World Refugee Day, 20 June 2018

Daniela Albu

UNHCR, Global trends report – Global refugee crisis

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