General conditions

The works submitted for publication are sent by e-mail to the Editorial Board at
The “Human Rights” Journal is published free of charge and there are no fees for the processing of articles or for the submission of papers.
Evaluation of works
All works submitted for publication shall undergo a screening process. The Editorial Board issues an opinion and the appropriate works shall be reviewed.
The Editorial Board sends the works selected for publishing to be peer-reviewed by reviewers with competencies in the field of the paper. At least two reviewers shall be selected, the criterion of choice being their specialisation, which should correspond to the field of the paper.
The selection process of the works is carried out taking into account the following criteria: scientific quality of the works (the proper use of the specialised scientific language and the observance of the requirements of the scientific research method), relevance, actuality, originality, scientific prestige of the author(s)).
The works submitted for evaluation shall receive a positive or negative opinion. If submissions are rejected, an explanatory note shall be issued. If the opinion is positive the work shall be submitted for approval to the Editorial Board.
The approval of the publication of the work in the Journal may be conditioned on making corrections concerning the content or structure of the work and/or the drafting system of the critical apparatus of the work.
The works are then reviewed by authors, if necessary, in relation to the comments and suggestions of the reviewers. Within 7 days from the date of receipt, authors shall submit the revised material in accordance with the comments/suggestions of the reviewers.
The estimated duration of the selection and screening process is 3-4 months.
Declaration of ethics and malpractice
“Human Rights” Journal supports and promotes an editorial policy based on the principles of editorial integrity, scientific rigour, academic writing, originality, non-discrimination, equality and freedom of expression and opinion.
Rights and duties of editors
The Editorial board evaluates submitted manuscripts from their scientific merit and their relevance to the journal. The Editor-in-chief has full authority on the editorial content of the journal, and on publishing the content within the established timeline.
Editors make sure that the evaluation process of manuscripts complies with the integrity requirements and ensure the confidentiality of the author/authors and reviewers.
The Editor-in-chief has the duty to decide the publishing of an article based on the evaluation received from reviewers. 
In the publishing process, the Editorial board shall not accept any attempt of fraud regarding the ethical norms applicable to scientific research or any other unethical conduct.
The ideas expressed in the articles published in the journal are scientifically assumed by the authors and do not reflect, in any way, the view of the Editorial Board.
In case of a violation of ethical rules, the editors shall contact the author/co-author and the individual who files the complaint to resolve the complaint. If, prima facie, no violation of ethical rules is found, the publication process may be resumed. If any unethical practice is found, the article shall be rejected. If the article has already been published, and a violation of ethical rules is found, the article shall be retracted.
Rights and duties of authors
The author(s) undertake the responsibility regarding the originality of the manuscript submitted for publication and that it represents their own work, has never been previously published or submitted to other publications for publishing.
If it is found that the article has been previously published (in Romanian or any other language) the article shall be retracted or it shall be specified that the article has been previously published, indicating the information to identify the original article.
The author(s) guarantees that any fragment which is not theirs has been properly cited, using bibliographic references and quotation marks. In case of any suspicion or accusation of plagiarism, the author(s) bears whole responsibility. “Human Rights” Journal does not undertake any responsibility for the non-compliance by author(s) of the regulations on plagiarism/copyright.
The author/authors shall comply with the editorial requirements set out in the Guidelines for authors.
The Author(s) understand and agree that their article(s) is/are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license which grants others the right to modify, adapt and develop the work for non-commercial purposes, as long as they acknowledge the source and license their creations on identical terms. Copyright may not be infringed in any way. The copyright holder is exclusively the author.
The Author(s) understand and agree that RIHR? may publish, reproduce, display, store and disseminate the article, in all known forms, formats and media, worldwide, and include it in scientific databases.
Where there is more than one author, each author takes responsibility for their own contribution. The author submitting the article for publication shall ensure that all authors have agreed to publication.
Authors shall sign a declaration of honour on copyright (form).
If the author(s) identifies errors or mistakes in the published material, they have the obligation to promptly notify and cooperate with the Editorial Board for the withdrawal or correction of the work. If the Editors or the Editorial Board is notified by a third party of an error or mistake in published material, it is the author's responsibility to promptly correct or withdraw the work, or to provide evidence to the Editorial Board of the correctness of the work.
In the event of a conflict of interest, authors shall inform the Editorial Board. Examples of possible conflicts of interest include honoraria, educational grants or other sources of funding, membership, consultancy, financial or non-financial arrangements such as professional or personal relationships, affiliations.
Rights and duties of reviewers
A minimum of two reviewers (with academic affiliation) with expertise in the field will participate in the evaluation of the received material. Their specialisation must correspond to the field of the submitted paper. All material received for review is confidential; it may not be shown to or discussed with anyone other than those authorised by the Editor-in-Chief.
Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the author(s). Reviewers should also notify the Editorial Board of any similarities between the manuscript reviewed and any other manuscript (published or unpublished) of which they have personal knowledge.
In the event of a conflict of interest between a reviewer and the author(s), company(ies) or institution(s) involved with the manuscript, the reviewer shall notify the Editorial Board of the conflict of interest and refuse to review the manuscript.
Reviewers shall issue a positive or negative opinion on the material under review. In the case of rejection of a material, reviewers shall draw up a note justifying the rejection.

Plagiarism policy
Plagiarism in all its forms is unacceptable. Authors shall sign a declaration of honour stating that the submitted manuscripts are original, not plagiarised, and have never been published in other volumes/journals. They shall cite or paraphrase, as appropriate, any work and/or parts of the work of other authors that they have used.
The editorial board and reviewers will check the received papers for attempted plagiarism using anti-plagiarism software or search engines. Any attempt at fraud will result in rejection of the submitted manuscript.
In the case of allegations or charges of plagiarism, the sole responsibility lies with the author(s), and “Human Rights” Journal bears no legal liability in this regard.