No.4 | 2013 | See the journal here


Irina Moroianu Zlătescu

Universal Declaration of Human Rights – promotion and protection of human rights for 65 years

Life has shown that the 65 years since the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights increased and strengthened the force of the message conveyed by this exceptionally important document, conceived to consecrate an ideal shared by all nations, the foundation on which the edifice of human rights has been built. The viability of this document is also proved by the fact that it is a starting point for the internationalization, after the Second World War, of human rights, the Declaration remaining the final aim of the efforts taken by the international community, the States and the civil society, an aim to which mankind tends to come closer and closer. In this way, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights served as the foundation for an entire system of treaties, at world and regional levels, as well as the infrastructure of this system, consisting of institutions and mechanisms, with a strong impact upon the national systems, both at institutional and at legislative level.

Keywords: human rights, promotion, guarantee, protection, science, codification

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Anna Maria Cun (Neagoe)

The right to employment of persons with disabilities

At least ten percent of the EU population is expected to be represented by people with disabilities, Europe still needs more efforts to promote their rights and ensure their inclusion in society. The right to work of persons with disabilities is laid down in several international and regional documents signed by Romania. The latest and most important one is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a document aimed to promote, to protect and to provide full exercise of all the fundamental human rights by all persons with disabilities without discrimination based on disability.

Keywords: disability, persons with disabilities, human rights, the right to work of persons with disabilities, international conventions and instruments, national documents

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Isabela Stancea

Promotion and protection of human rights by the Council of Europe

Since its creation in 1949, the Council of Europe has been the symbol of peace and cooperation between states. Since 1989, when democratic values were propagated in Europe, the organization has acquired a new political dimension. Today, the Council of Europe symbolizes the commitment of over 820 million citizens in the field of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Council of Europe seeks solutions to the main problems that grinds contemporary international society - racism, terrorism, organized crime, corruption, drug addiction, human trafficking, cloning, environmental protection, health, etc. - and considers that these problems could be solved only through close cooperation between the Member States. But the Council of Europe is not concerned with defense issues.

Keywords: human rights, democracy, international organization

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Mircea Ciocan

Human Rights and the economic crisis

In addition to other rights proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the right to a decent life, to work, education, paid vacations, health care, etc., enjoy particular attention. The Declaration also provides that any person who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration to ensure for him and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Thus, in addition to proclaiming a decent living as a result of work performed, it also guarantees the right of workers to organize themselves and make use of all legal instruments for social and political improvement of their living conditions. The elements that confer substance to the notion of decent living vary and differ from one family to another and from one country to another, and the standard of living in each country is closely correlated with the population purchasing power and strongly influenced by the minimum wage.

Keywords: the right to work, the right to decent life, fair compensation, social security, union organization, social dialogue

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Monna-Lisa Magdo Belu

Critical remarks on the new Code of Civil Procedure and the protection of the fundamental human rights

The New Code of Civil Procedure took the components listed in article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, the advertising of debates, the right to defense, the right to a fair trial and to the resolve of the case within a reasonable time, all representing guarantees for the promotion of fundamental human rights. But legislative reforms cannot be dissociated from the predictability of the legal act and thus raise the issue legal stability. Tendency to simplify procedures is applied in some cases by sacrificing the fundamental rights of the parties, as enshrined in the principles of civil law and as claimed by the preliminary title of the new civil procedure code. It is true that the texts that enshrine these rights provide exceptions from these principles in cases where the law states otherwise, only that the excess of exceptions and the severity of their consequences in the contents of the present procedure are liable to devoid the principles of their content and to violate the fundamental human rights, thus questioning the citizen trust in justice. Thus, some provisions of the new code of civil procedure significantly limit the principle of publicity which has a constitutional and international value and therefore, the abandoning of this principle, even partially, cannot be put into question.

Keywords: Civil Procedure simplification, modernization, fundamental principles, advertising debate, orality, fair, reasonable, procedural safeguards

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IRDO – Annual report for the year 2013

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Claudia Elena Marinică

Report on the evolution of the human rights legislation in Romania – 2013 (Part II)

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Decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Gheorghe Cobzaru vs. Romania

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Mihaela Scarlat

United Nations Day, October 24, 2013

Marius Mocanu

The 7th meeting of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) Working Group on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD Working Group), October 23-24

Carmen Năstase

Round table on the rights of LGBT persons, October 28, 2013

Gheorghe Pârvan

”Human Rights – Realities and perspectives”

Daniela Albu

Working Group on developing the functioning strategy of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions, November 13-15, 2013

Olivia Florescu

World Children’s Day, November 20

Petru Emanuel Zlătescu

International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3

Daniela Albu

Human Rights Day, December 10, 2013

Daniela Albu

Activities of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

Adrian Bulgaru

Corina Florența Popescu, Customs in public international law, S.C. Universul Juridic S.R.L. Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012, 398 pages

Mihaela Scarlat

Dan Cimpoeru, Malpractice, C.H.Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013, 276 pages

Daniela Albu

United Nations, UNECE countries in figures, 2013, 142 pages

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Table of contents – 2013

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